Collection: Nicaraguan Cigars

The origins of tobacco in Nicaragua can be traced back to pre-Columbian times. This terroir has enjoyed international renown since the mid-90s, at the height of the cigar boom in the United States. Today, we can almost speak of “Cigar Eldorado”, such is the quality of the cigars produced here.

Tobacco production in Nicaragua was boosted in the 1960s by the arrival of Cuban migrants fleeing the 1959 Castro revolution. Later, with the Sandinista revolution of 1979, the industry was forced to leave the country almost entirely, in favor of neighboring Honduras, Costa Rica and ..... During these years, investment was impossible as civil war raged.

After these long years of turmoil, it wasn't until the 1990s that a degree of political stability enabled the industry to redevelop tobacco growing in Nicaragua, Central America's largest country. Today, Nicaragua is one of the world's top cigar producers, both in terms of quality and quantity. In fact, it is now the second largest cigar-producing country in the world.

Nicaraguan Cigars