Collection: Rocky Patel

Rocky Patel cigars have built a solid reputation in the United States and are now reaching Europe. Of Indian origin and lawyer in California, Rocky Patel was not predestined for the cigar factory. It was her personal passion that led her to produce a cigar in Honduras. Thus, in 1998, he created the “Rocky Patel” brand and his cigar manufacturing company: the Indian Tabac Company.

He set up an ultra-modern factory in El Paraiso, near Danli, Honduras. This project took shape in collaboration with Nestor Plasencia, a Cuban who successfully emigrated to Nicaragua and who was beginning to develop his activities on the other side of the border. Nestor Plasencia would provide the best possible stewardship in terms of sourcing high quality tobacco, installation, aging and experienced rolling labor.

In 2002, the name of the company became “Rocky Patel Premium Cigar Inc” to further affirm the role played by its owner. In 2007, 18 million “Rocky Patel” cigars were sold.

Rocky Patel