Collection: Plasencia

The story of Plasencia cigars began in 1865, when Don Eduardo Plasencia planted tobacco seeds in Cuba's famous Vuelta Abajo. By the 1920s, the Plasencia family tobacco company was supplying tobacco to customers all over the world. Then, in the 1960s, Fidel Castro's regime took control of the Plasencia family's operation, forcing them to flee first to Mexico, then to Nicaragua. By the end of the 1960s, the tobacco grown by the Plasencia family was once again flourishing in Nicaragua. However, during the Nicaraguan revolution of 1978, all the Plasencia family farms were burnt down. The family fled to neighboring Honduras and were forced to replant tobacco once again. Then, in the 1990s, the Plasencia family returned to Nicaragua, enabling the family to expand in both countries. These combined holdings have made Plasencia the world's largest tobacco producer, supplying tobacco to dozens of the industry's leading cigar manufacturers. Finally, in 2017, the first Plasencia-branded cigar saw the light of day, launching a series of products that have won praise from industry insiders and everyday cigar smokers alike.
