Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
Brand Story
Each Davidoff cigar is unique and has its own particular taste. However, they all have something in common that makes you instinctively know it's definitely a Davidoff. The reason? All our cigars are passionately hand-rolled by experts to achieve a level of sophistication and refinement that allows any aficionado to fill their time in beauty. Davidoff's master blenders took an unusual route in their search for the complexity of flavour they wanted in a new cigar. They wanted to create a blend that carried both sweet and bitter flavours. They found what they were looking for in the fiery volcanic soil of Nicaragua.
Product Detail
In the Davidoff Nicaragua toro cigar, both bitter and sweet flavour nuances are brought to the fore. Intense aromas, typical of Nicaraguan cigars, combined with the perfect finish and balance of a Davidoff cigar.
At first, aromatic spices meet underlying notes of wood and caramel. These are soon replaced by balanced aromas of coffee and chocolate, as well as cream. Towards the end of the cigar, subtle notes of leather, fresh spices and pepper complete the tasting experience. Perfect with a creamy, mature rum.
Data Sheet
Country Of Production : Dominican Republic
Maker : Oettinger Davidoff
Brand : Davidoff
Vitola : Toro
Lenght : 140 mm
Diameter : 22 mm
Strenght : 4/5
Wrapper : Nicaragua
Binder : Nicaragua
Filler : Nicaragua
Time : 60 min