Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales 7
Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales 7
Brand Story
Davidoff cigars have long been regarded as the epitome of craftsmanship and quality. Superior craftsmanship goes hand in hand with deep history, offering unforgettable moments of pleasure.
Expect nothing less than the world's rarest and finest tobaccos, grown in the world's richest fields. The best master blenders and their passion for the craft.
Product Detail
Robusto Real Especiales 7 pushes the boundaries of craftsmanship.
In search of new sensations, it brings together tobaccos from seven different regions, blended in perfect harmony to create a truly unique cigar experience.
In 2004, when this cigar was first launched, the experts said it was impossible. No cigar maker could successfully, let alone beautifully, blend five filler tobaccos. When they tasted the Robusto Real Especiales 7, they said something different.
This truly vintage cigar is once again available in a limited edition. It gives you a second chance to discover a cigar “first”. A new chance to savor this complex yet silky recipe. The ingredients come from many sources.
A single tasting will take you to a place you've never discovered.
Data Sheet
Country Of Production : Dominican Republic
Maker : Oettinger Davidoff
Brand : Davidoff
Vitola : Robusto
Lenght : 140 mm
Diameter : 19.1 mm
Strenght : 2/5
Wrapper : Ecuador
Binder : Dominican Republic
Filler : Dominican Republic (Olor Seco, Piloto Seco, Piloto Viso, San Vicente Ligero & San Vicente Viso)
Time : 45 min