Davidoff Cigar Cutter Year Of the Dragon
Davidoff Cigar Cutter Year Of the Dragon
Brand Story
Each Davidoff cigar is unique and has its own particular taste. However, they all have something in common that makes you instinctively know - it's definitely a Davidoff. The reason? All our cigars are passionately hand-rolled by experts to achieve a level of sophistication and refinement that allows any aficionado to fill their time beautifully. To cut a hand-rolled cigar while preserving its integrity, a special instrument is required. Davidoff has developed two systems: scissors and cutters that are perfectly suited to this joyful act.
Product Detail
This double-bladed palladium cutter will catch everyone's eye thanks to its fine laser-finish Year of the Dragon motif.
- Made from palladium and coated in gold.
- Precision engraved Year of the Dragon motif.
- Integrated spring for controlled blade use: blades are locked when not in use.
- Ergonomic size and shape for easy handling.
- Supplied with a small salmon-coloured leather case engraved with the Davidoff logo.
- The 21 mm cutter cuts with precision up to RG 56.
- Dimensions: 8.2 x 3.4 x 0.5 cm.
- Made in Germany.
- Numbered and limited to 588 pieces worldwide.