Davidoff Grand Cru No.5
Davidoff Grand Cru No.5
Brand Story
Each Davidoff cigar is unique and has its own particular taste. However, they all have something in common that makes you instinctively know it's definitely a Davidoff. The reason? All our cigars are passionately hand-rolled by experts to achieve a level of sophistication and refinement that allows any aficionado to fill their time in beauty. Inspired by Zino Davidoff's 1946 cigar-wine analogy, Davidoff Grand Cru is a refined blend of the finest tobacco leaves from carefully selected terroirs - a selection process similar to that used in winemaking.
Product Detail
The Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 Petit Corona cigar develops the fullest body of the Grand Cru series. The characteristic Grand Cru blend has been adapted to the size and offers the same complexity and aromas in a shorter format the ideal smoking pleasure as an aperitif or during a well-deserved coffee break.
Data Sheet
Country Of Production : Dominican Republic
Maker : Oettinger Davidoff
Brand : Davidoff
Vitola : Small Corona
Lenght : 102 mm
Diameter : 16 mm
Strenght : 2/5
Wrapper : Ecuador
Binder : Dominican Republic
Filler : Dominican Republic
Time : 20 min