Davidoff Year of the Snake
Davidoff Year of the Snake
Brand Story
Each Davidoff cigar is unique and has a particular taste. However, they all have something in common that lets you know instinctively - it's definitely a Davidoff. The reason ? All of our cigars are hand-rolled with passion by experts to achieve a level of sophistication and refinement that allows any aficionado to fill their time in style. For the twelfth consecutive year, Davidoff is launching a limited edition to properly celebrate the Chinese New Year. With this launch, Davidoff completes for the first time an entire zodiac cycle, which began in 2013 with the serpent.
Product Detail
When savouring this cigar, the aromas of lemon, leather and coffee glide dynamically across the palate, often changing direction while retaining the typical Davidoff balance. The Dominican San Vicente and Mexican Negro San Andres of the filler in particular, both known for stimulating the areas of the palate responsible for acidic and salty sensations, reinforce the fresh, lemony notes without ever overpowering the palate. This blend is unique not only for its taste, but also for the innovation it represents in terms of tobacco: this is only the second time that Davidoff's master blenders have used Mexican filler tobacco in a cigar, and the first time that they have used a Dominican 98 hybrid seed from the Martin Garcia terroir, responsible for the sweet, creamy notes. Both the wrapper and the binder come from Ecuador, guaranteeing balanced flavours.
Data Sheet
Country Of Production : Dominican Republic
Maker : Oettinger Davidoff
Brand : Davidoff
Vitola : Lancero
Length : 178 mm
Diameter : 17 mm
Strength : 3/5
Wrapper : Ecuador
Binder : Ecuador
Filler : Dominican Republic, Mexico
Time : 60 min