Davidoff Yamasa Piramides
Davidoff Yamasa Piramides
Histoire de la Marque
Every Davidoff cigar is unique and has its own distinctive taste. However, they all have something in common that lets you know instinctively - it's definitely a Davidoff. The reason? All our cigars are passionately hand-rolled by experts to achieve a level of sophistication and refinement that allows any aficionado to fill their time in beauty. The rich red earth of the Dominican Yamasá Valley presented Davidoff's master blenders with a daunting challenge. And yet, after 20 years of intensive care and attention, they were able to transform the tobacco crop from what was once thought to be barren soil into intricate masterpieces. It's a small miracle that such intense, stimulating pleasure could spring from the earth.
From the earth comes complexity.
Détail du Produit
Fiche Technique
Pays de Production : République Dominicaine
Fabricant : Oettinger Davidoff AG
Marque : Davidoff
Vitole : Piramides
Force : 4,5/5
Longueur : 156 mm
Diamètre : 21 mm
Cape : République Dominicaine
Sous Cape : République Dominicaine
Tripe : République Dominicaine, Nicaragua
Durée : 60 minutes